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A new home for my thoughts

/ 3 min read

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Greetings and welcome to my new personal website!

My previous website,, is originally hosted on Hashnode and I’ve always wanted to completely revamp it.

Ta-da! Here is the result of that :)

A couple of changes

I made a couple of changes to this new website.


This website now uses Astro and an incredible theme called Astro Cactus.

Using Astro for a project has been on the back of my mind since last year, I’m happy to have found a good use-case for it.

When I scouted for my new website’s next platform, I had a wishlist for it:

  • I want to be able to write its posts directly from my code editor, preferably using Markdown.
  • If I ever want to develop and provide customized experiences for it, I should be able to do so.
  • I should be able to have great control and ownership (code, maintenance, deployment, etc.) of it.
  • It should be SEO-friendly.

From all of these, I figured that Astro fitted the bill nicely. Using Astro also means using Node.js tooling, which is something I enjoy and I’m accustomed with too.

Like any typical Node.js project, I maintain this website in a Git repository. This gives me more control compared to using a third-party blog provider like Hashnode.


Apart from the new platform and tech, I also saw this new website as an opportunity to make my professional brand more consistent.

I started by standardizing my professional username to the one you see today — the new domain name! Back then, I tend to use jg-rivera and jgrivera depending on its availability (quite inconsistent, I know).

Even more so, the username with a dash is problematic. I first realized this when I tried generating a Spring Initializr project. One time, I wrote com.github.jg-rivera as my project’s group ID and then the moment I loaded it up in my IDE, it was bleeding red full of errors. Woops.

I also decided to get a different TLD for my website. I figured that .com is more common and cheaper to maintain than .dev so that’s a plus.


I’m looking forward to write more of my thoughts in this new website. I’ll try to adopt a more casual tone in my writing as if I’m just speaking to you. It’s easier to write and I think I can get my thoughts and ideas across better.

I also intend to use this website to showcase some of my personal projects. I’m pretty excited about that since I can now dedicate a discussion for each of them.

I’ll also migrate some high quality posts from my original blog. I might improve some of them and add some new insights. I have learned a lot since then. Some old posts already made their way through here.

By the way, the old domain now redirects to this new website.

That’s all for now, cheers! :)

The discussion for this post can be found here as well.